Manuscript Format


1.Please write the manuscript in the order of Chinese title, Chinese author name, Chinese author title (please specify the service organization), Chinese abstract, Chinese keywords, body, appendices, and references.
2. Typing Format
(1) Typeface: Please use New Style for all Chinese. In Western, please use Times New Roman font.
(2) Font: 12 points in this paper and 10 points in the notes.
(3) Borders: 2.54 for both top and bottom, 3.17 for both left and right.
(4) Arrangement: left and right aligned.
(5) Notes: Follow the page notes.
(6) Software: Please use Word-compatible word processing software.
3. Title order, please follow the "One, one, (1) 1.(1) A. a." hierarchy of additional headings.
4.The format of citation of laws and regulations, please express the laws and regulations in the text and commentary in Chinese in full, and please express the article numbers in Arabic numerals, for example: Article 22 of the Criminal Procedure Law, Article 179 of the Civil Law, Article 14 of the Water Pollution Control Law.
5. Please indicate the date, case number and page number in Arabic numerals. For example: June 2003; Supreme Court Judgment No. 3598, 93rd Annual Bench, 25%, 90 persons, Chancellor's Interpretation No. 656.
6. The source of the Justice's interpretation, legal provisions, administrative letters, court decisions and resolutions need not be indicated.
7.When quoting foreign language terms and academic terms, please translate them into Chinese and attach the original text when they first appear in the text; if abbreviations are used, please use the full name when it appears for the first time and specify the abbreviation in parentheses, and use the abbreviation directly when it appears later. For example: World Trade Organization (WTO).
8. Note style

A. Chinese literature

 1. citation format:

 (1) book: author's name, book title, publisher, publication year and edition, page.

 (2) Translation: Author's name, translator's name, book title, publisher, publication year and edition, page ○○.

 (3) Translated papers: Author's name, translator's name, title of the paper, name of the journal/book included, volume and issue, year and month of publication, ○ pages.

 (4) Journal articles: author's name, title of article, name of journal, volume and issue, year and month of publication, pages.

 (5) Monographs: Author's name, title of the paper, title of the book, publisher, year and month of publication, and edition, page ○○.

 (6) Dissertation: Name of author, title of dissertation, doctoral (master's) dissertation of the Department of Mathematics, University, year and month of publication, pages.

 (7) Newspapers and magazines: source newspapers and magazines, title, edition/page number, year/month/day.

 (8) Internet information: Source website, URL, (last viewed on: year/month/day). For example, the website of the Securities and Futures Bureau,, (last viewed on 2008/05/17).

 (9) Official documents: e.g., Bulletin of the Legislative Yuan, Vol. 82, No. 10, Committee Minutes, 48 pages.

2. When citing the same work in a later note, use "Same Previous Note" if it follows the previous note and has the same number of pages, or use "Same Previous Note, page XX" if the number of pages cited is different. If the number of pages is different, use "same note XX, page XX". For example: Dai Dongxiong, with note, page.

B. citation format for foreign literature

Format of foreign literature citation Basic format of citation: When citing foreign literature, please indicate the author, title of the paper or book, source (such as the name of the journal and the number of volumes and issues), publication information, page number, and date, etc. The format of citation should follow the academic citation practice of each country. The citation of legal provisions and judgments also follows the academic citation habits of each country.

 1. Japanese literature The citation format of Japanese literature is in principle the same as that of Chinese literature.

 2. English literature (please refer to the following format, and if there is any unfinished business, please refer to the 20th edition of The Bluebook)

 (1) Journal articles [format: author, article name, journal series, journal name [must be abbreviated, small capital letters]) Start Page, Citation Page (Year of Publication). For example: Richard A. Epstein, A Clear View of the Cathedral: The Dominance of Property Rules, 106 Yale l. J. 2091, 2092 (1997).

 (2) Monographs [format: author's name, article title, in book title [small capital letters] start page, citation page (editor's name ed., edition year of publication) [use eds. when there are more than two editors]] e.g. Henry E. Smith, Standardization in Property Law, in Research Handbook on 5 The Economics of Property Law 148, 150 (Kenneth Ayotte & Henry E. Smith eds., 2011).

 (3) Books [Format: Author's name [small capital letters], Book title [small capital letters] Number of pages cited (edition Year of publication). For example (one author): David Vogel, National Style of Regulation: Environmental Policy in Great Britain and the United States 194 (6th ed. 2006). E.g. (two authors): Lee Epstein & Andrew D. Martin, An Introduction to Empirical Legal Research 6 (2014). For example (more than three authors): Robert M. Lawless et al.

 (4) Edited Books [Format: Name of Editor, [small capital letters] ED., Title of Book [small capital letters] (year). For example: Doron Teichman & Eyal Zamir eds., The Oxford Handbook of Behavioral Economics and the Law (2014).

 (5) Translated books [Format: Name [small capital letters], Book title [small capital letters] Pages (Translator's name trans., Year of translated book publisher Year of translated edition) (Year of original edition). For example: Jü Rgen Habermas, Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy 388-89 (William Rehg trans., MIT Press 1996) (1992 ).

 (6) Judgments such as (Supreme Court): Stewart v. Abend, 495 U.S. 207, 228 (1990). For example (Court of Appeals): Vernor v. Autodesk, 621 F.3d 1102, 1104 (9th Cir. 2010).

 (7) U.S. Constitution and other laws e.g. (Constitution): U.S. CONST. art. II, § 2, cl. 2. e.g. (other laws): 47 U.S.C. § 230(c) (2000).

 (8) Newspaper, e.g., Boston Globe, Oct. 14, 1954, at 6, col. 1.

 (9) Preface [format: author's surname [author's surname in the same font as the author's name when the note first appears, e.g., author's name in small capital letters when citing a book, author's name in journal articles in general], supra note footnote number, at citation page ...] For example (books): Vogel, supra note 10, at 1020, 1040-43, 1050. For example (papers): Clermont & Eisenberg, supra note 16, at 238.

 3. German literature

 (1) Monographs: author, title, edition, year, pages/edge codes. (For example: Radbruch, Rechtsphilosophie, 8. Aufl., 1973, S. 31.)

 (2) Journals: author, title of paper, name of journal, year, number of pages. For example: Schreiber, Das Arbeitsverhältnis beim Übergang des Betriebs, RdA 1982, S. 137 ff.

 (3) Monographs: e.g.: Schulte, Alterssicherung im Vereinigten Königreich , in: Hans-Joachim Rheinhard (Hrsg.), Demographischer Wandel und Alterssicherung, 2001, S. 295-297.
9. Reference citation format

 (1)In order to facilitate the reader's search for information, all bibliographic chapters cited in the text (including the appendices) must be included in the bibliography, with the exception of informative documents such as legal decisions and news reports, which are not included.

 (2) The cited bibliographic chapters shall be divided into Chinese and foreign literature, with Chinese literature in front and foreign literature at the end, and foreign literature in the order of Japanese, English, German and French literature.

 (3) The Chinese and Japanese references are arranged in descending order of the author's name, and the foreign references are arranged in alphabetical order of the author's surname according to each country's annotation.

 (4) The basic format of references is in principle the same as the basic format of citations, without the need to indicate the page number of the citation, but must also indicate the starting and ending pages (except for monographs and degree theses). The basic format of foreign language references may be presented in accordance with the academic customs of each country.